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PD Dr. Georg Feldmann


Primary and Grammar School
1981 – 1985 Primary School: Hirschkampschule, Oberhausen, Germany

Grammar School:
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium, Oberhausen, Germany 1985 – 1994 Abitur (German High School Diploma):
06/1994 University Biochemistry: University of Hannover, Germany
1994 – 1995 Part A of intermediate diploma “Vordiplom” in Biochemistry:
09/1995 Medicine (pre-clinical): University of Aachen, Germany
1995 – 1999 Medicine (clinical): University of Essen, Germany
1999 – 2002 3. Staatsexamen (Final exam in medicine):
11/2002 Doctoral degree (Dr. med.; German M.D.): 07/2004 (Mentors: Dr. B. Saller, Prof. K. Mann)
Elective Periods and Practical Year
General Surgery:
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, Exeter, Great Britain
Supervisor: Mrs. Dunn
Internal Medicine:
Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Oberhausen, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Kindler
Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum Duisburg/ Dinslaken/
Oberhausen in Duisburg, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Scherer
Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Feldmann, Genau, Oberhausen, Germany
Supervisor: Dr. H. Feldmann
Department of Virology, University of Essen, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. Roggendorf
St. Luke’s Hospital, Guardamangia, Malta
Supervisor: Mr. Manché
Obstretics / Gynecology:
Spital Zollikerberg, Zürich, Switzerland
Supervisor: Prof. Kunz
Medicine, Endocrinology: Clinic for Endocrinolocy, University of Essen, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. K. Mann
Hematology, Oncology:
Clinic for Hematology, University of Essen, Germany
Supervisor: Prof. U. Dührsen
Professional Experience:
Assistant Physician:
01/2003 – 02/2005 Department of Internal Medicine I, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
Clinical work: General Internal Medicine ward with emphasis on Nephrology
Supervisors: PD Dr. Woitas, Prof. T. Sauerbruch
Hepatological Ambulance
Supervisors: Prof. U. Spengler, Prof. J. Rockstroh
Immunological lab of the Department of Internal Medicine
Supervisor: Prof. U. Spengler
3 Postdoctoral Fellowship:
03/2005 – 05/2009 Department of GI Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Mentor: Anirban Maitra, MBBS
Completion of clinical training as assistant physician:
06/2009 – 09/2013 Department of Internal Medicine III, Center of Integrated Oncology, Rheinische Friedrich-
Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany
Clinical work: Hematology and Medical Oncology
Supervisor: Prof. P. Brossart
Oncology lab of the Department of Internal Medicine III
Group leader “Pancreatic cancer translational research”
Venia legendi
06/2013 Board examination Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology
09/2013 Memberships: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin (DGIM)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie (DGHO)
Deutscher Pankreasclub
European Pancreatic Club (EPC)
International Association of Pancreatology (IAP)
American Pancreatic Association (APA)
Research funding:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship Grant D/05/10948: “Hedgehog
signaling in pancreatico-
biliary cancers”
Startup-grant by the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn, Germany (BONFOR) grant
number O-111.0001.2
4 German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe) grant number 109215: “Rolle des Hippo – Signaltransduktionsweges in Ätiologie und Progression duktaler Adenokarzinome des Pankreas “European Community, Seventh Framework Program [FP7-2007-2013], grant agreement HEALTH-F2-2011-256986: “Integrating chemical approaches to treat pancreatic cancer: making new leads for a cure”. Collaborative Project (Small or medium-scale focused research project).
Coordinator: Dr. Georg Feldmann
German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe) grant number 109929: “Hemmung der Cyclin-abhängigen Kinase 5 (CDK5) als Möglichkeit zur therapeutischen Kras-Inhibierung bei Pankreaskarzinomen”
Poster prize 179. Annual Meeting of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin 2004
Patents: Maitra A, Feldmann G, Bisht S. Water-dispersible oral, parenteral, and topical formulations for
poorly water soluble drugs using smart polymeric nanoparticles. United States patent application
number 20080107749.
Ad-hoc peer-reviewer for scientific journals:
American Journal of Pathology
Anti-Cancer Drugs
BMC Cancer
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
Cancer Research
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Case reports in Gastroenterology
Clinical Cancer Research
Clinical Medicine: Oncology
Endocrine-Related Cancer
European Journal of Cancer
Evolutionary Bioinformatics
FEBS Letters
Gastrointestinal Review Letters
Hormone Research
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology
Journal of Carcinogenesis
Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
Molecular Cancer Research
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
Molecular Carcinogenesis
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Editorial work:
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Associate Editor)
World Journal of Clinical Oncology (Editorial Board Member)
Journal of the Pancreas (Managing Editor)
Grant peer reviews:
Association for International Cancer Research (AICR)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Dutch Cancer Society
Institut National du Cancer (INCa)
Skolkovo Foundation